On 15th of March, in the city of Rome, there was a "Global rally for Syria", organized by the European Solidarity Front for Syria - a new political platform, created by European nationalists from many countries, as well as some politically active Syrians who reside in Europe. Hundreds of nationalist from across the continent attended the event, including Rumanians, Spaniards, Czechs, Frenchmen, Belgians and many others. Poland was represented by our NOP delegation, led by Konrad Bednarski, member of the NOP Executive Council. Of course the most numerous were Italians and they represented many nationalistic organizations, such as CasaPound Italia, "Zenit" and "Siempre Domani" associations, Forza Nuova sympathisers, and so forth. In fact, it was the CasaPound activists who allowed the event to take place in their "Area 19" Cultural Centre, after the local authorities, at the behest of Israeli dyplomats, banned the original march (which was to be held near the Ponte Mivio bridge).
Among most notable guests and speakers, there was an archbishop Hillarion Capucci, a well-known cleric of the Greek Melkite Ortodox Church, professor Claudio Mutti, Gabriele Adinolfi (well known writer and co-founder of the legendary Terza Posizione) and Adriano Scianca (main ideologist of the CasaPound movement).
Originally published HERE