After the successful demonstration in Warsaw, the National Rebirth of Poland Wrocław unit organized its own march, devoted to the commemoration of a disgraceful partition of Serbia. Not only NOP activists, but also some independent nationalists and patriots took part in the gathering. Our comrades made two fiery speeches near the city hall, in the most crowded area of Wrocław, the market.
In the first speech, our colleague made a short glimpse of history of Balkans, especially in terms of events that took place in 1990s. He explained why the international banksters and their puppets decided to bomb Serbia and grab Kosovo, which, among others, rich in natural resources.
The second speech was devoted to our own, Polish problem - the so called "Silesian minority", which is a virtual project funded by EU-occupants in order to weaken our state and make it more vulnerable to "integration" and globalist-driven federalisation.
Polish Silesia! Serbian Kosovo! Europe of Free Nations!
More photos and full text of speeches in Polish -