On the 1st May, the day of St Joseph the Worker and also the 10th anniversary of Polish accession to the European Union, there were marches, demonstrations and dozens of smaller actions of protest against Poland's membership in the EU, organized by the National Rebirth of Poland. We present a couple of short reports from cities in which the NOP held such actions.
Over 500 people took part in the biggest 1st May march, organized by the Autonomous Nationalists, reinforced by the NOP Warsaw unit and some European delegations - among them, our Greek friend and permanent representative of the Golden Dawn to the NOP. Watch the photo gallery:

In Cracow (małopolskie voivodeship), over 100 people took part in the anti-EU march organized by the NOP in the heart of the city. The nationalists, during their march, stopped by the parliamentarian office of Anna Grodzka (real name: Krzysztof Bęgowski), a disguisting transvestite-MP and one of our comrades made a speech in which he pointed out that such sick people are the ultimate result of what the liberal moral degradation leads to. Then, our activists came back to the city Market and made another speech, in which he summarized 10 years of our membership in the European Soviet Union, especially in terms of destruction of our economy and sending our young men and women to the western countries in millions.

In Szczecin (zachodniopomorskie voivodeship) NOP party members protested before the building of the provincial office. The head of the whole NOP in this region, Arkadiusz Rzepiński, made a speech in which he focused on the EU's battle against the traditional, christian values of European nations:

In Głogów (dolnośląskie voivodeship), there was a protest before the city hall, during which our comrades trampled 5 EU flags, which were later burnt. Also hundreds of leaflets were passed among the townsfolk. In two speeches, our comrades summarized all the plagues which were brought upon our country by the EU, NATO, international banking mafia and corrupt government.

In Kielce (świętokrzyskie voivodeship) our comrades held the anti-EU protest near the pro-EU gathering organized by the ruling Citizen Platform (PO). Hundreds of leaflets were distributed among passerbyers.The police, at the behest of the corrupt regime, tried to intervene a couple of times and ultimately detained our activists, but the police cars were blocked for some 15 minutes by other patriots. After the short arrest and interrogation, in some 12 minutes, our activists were released and went back to the city centre, continuing their job.

In Białystok (podlaskie voivodeship) the NOP held an anti-EU protest. A speech, along with over 1000 leaflets, were delivered to the locals: