On March 1 Polish nationalists among the country were honouring “Cursed Soldiers” – Polish guerilla who fought communist occupation after WWII. Despite of various campaigns of left-liberal environment whose aim is to demonize the Heroes of Polish anti-communist and nationalist underground, they are still alive in hearts of many, giving hope that their dream of Great and Independent Poland will come true.

In the fifth March of Cursed Soldiers in Wroclaw started in 2011 by the National Rebirth of Poland - NOP, a few thousand (according to different estimates: 5000) nationalists and patriots marched through the capital of Lower Silesia, to pay tribute to those who fought Soviet-communist occupation forces that after World War II invaded Poland.
Wroclaw is a special place - it's here where president Rafal Dutkiewicz, who became famous not only becouse of promoting the communist criminal Zygmunt Bauman, but public celebrations of thugs from the Red Army, breaking up demonstration in honor of the victims of Katyn massacre or attempts of prohibiting a celebration of Polish Independence Day. However, Wroclaw national resistance is strong and not able to stop by repression (numerous court decisions against patriots), or even money (more than one million zlotys from the public purse to fight “fascism” in general and the NOP in particular!).

In the capital city of Warsaw annual Cursed Soldiers Remembrance March ran under the slogan ‘Death to the enemies of Fatherland’ (used by nationalist underground). In the demonstration organised by Warsaw based Autonomous Nationalists a couple of thousand people participated including Warsaw branch of the National Rebirth of Poland - NOP. Demonstrators, among flags and banners of their organisations, also carried flags of the nations which - like the Poles - fought the Soviet occupation. There was no shortage of slogans referring to current situation as well and the demonstration stopped (with words of support) next to "the farming town" – anti-government protest of farmers. The action ended up at the gate of former communist prison in Rakowiecka where many Polish patriots lost their lives.
Also in Zgorzelec (Lower Silesia) the Natioanl Rebirth of Poland - NOP again organised a demonstration to honour the heroes of Polish anti-communist underground.

In turn, in Plonsk (Mazovia) the NOP organised a ‘Call of the Fallen’. Nationalists presented the history of “Cursed Soldiers” and its contemporary reference. The texts were interspersed with music of ‘Forteca’ band and ‘Tadek’. The Call was attended by dozens of people.

Dear Comrades
I am a English Patriot and I very impressed with NOP. I would be honoured if I could join the English Division. The English and Polish are Brothers and Sisters lets help each other.