The massive propaganda campaign against the Nationalistic Syria enters it's crucial phase. The mainstream media for weeks have been bombarding us with manipulated pictures, which sole purpose is to justify intervention of the US and their allies in the internal matters of a sovereign state, the Syrian Arab Rebulic. The so-called "revolution" is in fact rebellion of islamic fanatics, financed and supported by the United States, Saudi Arabia, Israel and other countries, particularly interested in maintaining their regional hegemony and destabilizing Syria – a country which is situated, from the geopolitical point of view, in a strategic region of the world and which runs a firm, antiglobalist and anti-zionist policy.
The National Rebirth of Poland, a nationalistic movement which for the last 30 years has been fighting for the independent existence of our Fatherland, and firmly advocating the principle, that if a Nation is to become stronger, then it must live within it's own state, expresses it's full solidarity with president Bashar al-Assad, being supported by the vast majority of the Syrian population. We should remember words of Pope Benedict XVI: "Syria is an example of tolerance, coexistence and harmonic relations between Christians and Muslims".
NOP Information Office
Originally published HERE