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Golden Dawn for Greece, for Poland, for Europe

Statement from Executive Council of National Rebirth of Poland

On 14th of October 2020 in Athens near 70 activists of Greek’s nationalist movement “Golden Dawn” were convicted on long-term imprisonments. Among victims of neo-Soviet’s regime were: leader of “Golden Dawn”, Nikolaos Michaloliakos (sentenced to 13 years and 6 months of imprisonment), Elias Panagiotaros (13 years) and Artemis Mattheopoulos (10 years of imprisonment). Authorities did not even hide the fact that high sentences have nothing in common with any justice – it concerned only and exclusively eliminating from public life the movement, which over the years is active – not only “on the streets” but also in local governments and in parliament – in favour of free Greece and in defense of their nation against corrupted political and economic system which obediently follows recommendations of international financial circles. No wonder that the main “crime” mentioned in the sentences is… membership in “Golden Dawn” – lawfully operating political party!

Investigation against “Golden Dawn” has pended from 28th of September 2013, when, on the base of ridiculous charges, members of the board and parliamentarians of the Movement were arrested. In April 2014 was revealed hidden camera recorded video, in which Takis Baltakos, chief adviser to then Prime Minister of Greece Antonis Samaras, unfolded that the instigation has been carried out on command of American Zionist congress, directly issued to the Greek prime minister.

It was only the beginning of the democratic liberalism’s war against nationalists. Supporting the ruling “Right” neo-communist SIRIZA has started campaign summoning to utter settlement of “Golden Dawn”. You do not have to wait long for results. On the 1st of November 2013 from bullets associated with SIRIZA bandits die “Golden Dawn” members, Manolis Kapelonis i Giorgos Fountoulis; under “Golden Dawn’s” premises explode bombs. Nationalists, however, against all odds, keep moving forward. Moreover even recent judicial sentences are not able to stop them.

National Rebirth of Poland closely cooperates with “Golden Dawn” for many years. We stood up for our friends in 2013, we are with them today. We take pride and admiration in their fortitude, which cannot be broken neither by any bullets nor prison bars. We consider attack of Greek neo-Soviet regime on “Golden Dawn” as an attack on Polish organized nationalism. Whoever raises a hand on our friends – raises a hand on Poland. Therefore staying in our country “Golden Dawn” members were recruited into ranks of National Rebirth of Poland and they received NOP’s honorary members status. Let’s fight together, until “Golden Dawn” appears: for Greece, for Poland, for Europe!


1 Response to " Golden Dawn for Greece, for Poland, for Europe "

  1. Great site and group! I am an American Nationalist who supports Both Golden Dawn and the NOP. Your steadfastness in Poland of our brothers and sisters in Greece is truly inspiring! Hail Comrades!

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