Solidarity with the Golden Dawn – free the Greek nationalists!
Today, on 28th of September 2013, the Golden Dawn's leader, Nikos Michaloliakos, and the party's spokesperson, Ilias Kasidiaris, have been arrested by the Greek political police. Further arrests have been announced. It is not the first time when the so-called democratic regimes, dedicated to suppress freedom and the national independence, react in this way to the growing influence of nationalism. Golden Dawn, which in last elections managed to enter the parliament, now enjoys the support of 20% of the Greek population and this support is growing every day. So that's what the present-day democracy is all about: an oppressive, totalitarian, anti-national and anti-civil system.
We express full solidarity with our long-term friends from the Golden Dawn, we demand the release of leaders of this organization – the only credible and honest party of modern Greece! ΖΗΤΩ Η ΝΙΚΗ! ΖΗΤΩ Η ΧΡΥΣΗ ΑΥΓΗ!
Warsaw, 28.09.2013
Adam Gmurczyk, NOP Chairman
Originally published HERE