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NOP at the BNP annual conference in Blackpool

On 29-30 of November, the British National Party organized its annual conference. This year, nearly 100 delegates took part in the event.

All careful observers of the whole European nationalistic environment heard about Nick Griffin's resignation from the post of BNP's leader after he failed to defend his seat in the European Parliament. In October he was banned from the party. It raised many sceptical comments; some people claimed that now when Nick Griffin is gone, the BNP will switch to a more "moderate" or "soft" stance on many key issues. Others feared that this could be the beginning of fragmentation in the British movement. The last weekend of November dispelled all speculations.

The conference started on saturday at 10.30 AM. The first speech belonged to Simon Darby, who hosted the whole event. After him, party activists such as Clive Jefferson (the BNP's treasurer), Charlie Wryth, Patrick Harringon, Eddy O'Sulivan and many other brilliant figures, had their speeches.

Obviously the most important speech was held by the BNP chairman, Adam Walker. In hi speech, Walker eminded the whole audience, that BNP is not an "election party". As a very down-to-earth person (a former soldier), he pointed out that next months must be filled with hard work and full engagement of all BNP members, should the party achieve any political success. He also expressed his special greetings for the BNP female councillor, Dawn Charlton, who stood up against all odds, faced multiple cases of police harrasment and never gave up or fled.

After another short break, the time has come for foreign guests. Among them was our representative, vice-chairman of the NOP, Michał Lewandowski, who said his short thanks for invitation as well as for cooperation between NOP and BNP in the United Kingdom during last year. After him, Karl Richter from the National-Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) held his own speech. Next day was full of discussions among European nationalists and also was a perfect occasion for discussing details of further cooperation between Polish and British patriots on the British soil.

As the NOP, we would like to wish Adam Walker and the whole BNP success in their struggle for the free Great Britain, which just like the Greece, has a chance of becoming another torch in our common cause - of reclaiming our Europe and transform it into Europe of Free Nations. 







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